
La Santa surf. Tourist guide and plans in Lanzarote.

La Santa is one of the best places in Lanzarote to enjoy surfing. If you come on a trip and you are not sure what to do on the island, you definitely must try surfing. I'll tell you more here. La Santa is a fishing village on the west coast of Lanzarote. In addition to its fishing, it is famous for its waves, and it is where you will find El Quemao, the best surf wave in Lanzarote, and one of the best in Europe. How could we not dedicate a magnet to it? "One of the best resort...

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Surfing in the north of Lanzarote. Best plans and tourist guide

Surfing in Lanzarote is one of the best things you can do on your trip to the island. Here, you will find many perfect places in the north of Lanzarote full of beaches, landscapes, and waves. I tell you here: The north of Lanzarote is ideal if you look for amazing waves to surf. Jameos, la Garita, el Caletón, las Bajas, el Papelillo and a lot more interesting peaks I'll tell you about in a moment. This magnet represents the need to find the perfect wave, and it is inspired by the surfi...

Surfing the south of Lanzarote. Tourist guide and plans.

What can I do in Lanzarote? Where can I surf in Lanzarote? I tell you which are the best beaches in the south of the island and where you can surf here: The beaches of the south of Lanzarote are famous for their calm and crystal-clear waters, their coves of soft golden sand, and their sunshine almost all year round. But... Can you surf in the south of Lanzarote? This souvenir is proof that you can!    “Playa Mujeres, El Pozo, Playa de la Cera, Caleta del Congrio, Puerto Muelas or El Pap...

Surf in Bermeja beach. Tourist guide in Lanzarote.

Are you coming to Lanzarote and you are not sure what to do or where to surf? I'll tell you what Bermeja is like, one of the best beaches in Lanzarote. Surfing on a beach surrounded by volcanoes like Bermeja is a unique experience. Playa Montaña Bermeja is a magical beach in Lanzarote. Full of energy, wild, volcanic, somewhat dangerous and with a magnificent right-hand wave. What a combination, isn't it? The contrast of the black sand with the intense blue of the sea and the red vo...

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