Lanzarote photo sport is constantly looking for the perfect photo of the best sporting events in the Canary Archipelago, especially in Lanzarote.
Although they mainly dedicate themselves to photography and videography for sporting events, they have a wide range of personalized services related to the visual arts. Personalized sessions, artistic, press, social networks, and even underwater photography!
It is a highly professional team, which seeks the best result in each of its photographic reports in Lanzarote. And that is why we wanted Lanzarote photo sport to be part of the Yaizart team.
Pedro, a member of the Lanzarote photo sport team, is the one who has made the Yaizart web photography. He helps us capture the beauty that Lanzarote can offer so that you, too, can enjoy it.
"We want to show the world all the beauty and potential that the island has as a sports tourism destination. We want the landscape around us to be seen and felt. We want everyone who sees our photos to want to be there."
- Pedro, from the Lanzarote photo sport team.-
Its objective is to disseminate and make known, through photography and visual arts, the sporting values of the Canary Islands.
And the objective of Yaizart is to make known to the world the cultural richness and incredible experiences that Lanzarote can offer.
Don't we make a good team together?
"In each of my photographs, I try to explain how I see the world. Looking for other points of view, I like to show another world that we don't usually see in my photographs, and I always think that I can find it at any time and place. You have to wait for the moment, wait for something to happen, because there is always something beautiful to photograph, you have to look for the point of view.
I love observing everything that surrounds me and each moment that passes, to find that stolen photo, where the magic that gives the naturalness and spontaneity of each moment arises. I want to get excited and excite others with each photograph. "
-Pedro, from the Lanzarote photo sport team.-
Do not miss the great work that the Lanzarote photo sport team does by visiting their social networks. And if you want to contact them, do not hesitate to visit their website or write to them by email or WhatsApp.
Visit our Sports Gallery in which Lanzarote photo sport has participated by clicking here.
Here is some of their amazing work: